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Camping in the Woods

3天2夜 彭亨国家公园

Taman Negara is the oldest primary rainforest in the world. Research has shown that this rainforest has never been influenced by ice ages and other big changes in time. With 4343 square kilometers, it is the biggest National Park in Malaysia and spread out over three states at Peninsular Malaysia. You may experience walking on the world’s longest canopy walkway, visiting the aborigine village, trekking under rainforest canopy, climbing the highest mountain in Peninsular Malaysia, caving, fishing, camping, observing wildlife, and more.


马来西亚国家公园是世界上最古老的原始雨林。 研究表明,这种雨林从未受到冰河时期和其他时间变化的影响。 它有4343平方公里,是马来西亚最大的国家公园,分布在马来西亚半岛的三个州。 您可以体验在世界上最长的树冠走道上行走,参观原住民村庄,在热带雨林树冠下徒步旅行,攀登马来西亚半岛最高的山脉,探洞,钓鱼,露营,观察野生生物等。

Camping in the Woods

3天2夜 金马伦大自然之旅

Cameron Highlands is the most popular of the highland retreats in Malaysia. Located at almost 2,000 meters at its highest point, Camerons offers visitors a moderate climate with daytime temperatures averaging around 25°C and 18°C at night. This makes the environment conducive for growing continental plants, fruits and vegetables while providing a cool escape for city-dwellers. Among them, Mossy Forest is a famous attraction evergreen forest with a high pedestrian boardwalk through ferns, moss, orchids & other plant life.

金马仑高原是马来西亚最受欢迎的高原度假胜地。 金马伦位于最高点近2,000米,为游客提供温和的气候,白天的平均温度约为25°C和晚上的温度约18°C。 这环境有利于陆地性植物,例如水果和蔬菜的种植,同时为居住在城市的居民提供了凉爽的避暑胜地。 其中,苔藓森林是著名的常绿森林,拥有高峻的人行道遍布着蕨类,苔藓,兰花和其他植物。

Camping in the Woods

3天2夜 逃脱槟城之旅

Penang is a vibrant Stat. You may explore in ESCAPE Theme Park, Penang. ESCAPE Penang hosts 40 exciting rides & attractions - rope & obstacle courses, ziplines, climbing, diving towers and the Guinness World Records Longest Tube Water Slide - immersed in the rich rainforest of Teluk Bahang, Penang Island. It is the fun destination with exciting rides and games hosted in a natural environment.  Through fun activities, with an emphasis on self-directed and self-powered play, the visitor experiences Low Tech, High Fun. 

槟城是一个充满活力的州。 您可以在槟城逃生冒险乐园探索。 槟城逃生冒险乐园拥有40个激动人心的游乐设施和景点--绳索和障碍物路线,滑索,攀岩,潜水塔和吉尼斯世界纪录最长的管状滑水道-浸没在槟城岛直落巴港茂密的雨林中。 这是一个有趣的地方,在自然环境中可以进行令人兴奋的游乐设施和游戏。 通过有趣的活动,强调自我指导和自我驱动的游戏,游客可以体验低技术,高乐趣。

Camping in the Woods

2天1夜 彭亨加叻农场冒险旅

Karak is a small town in Bentong District, Pahang, Malaysia. It is well known as a rest town of Federal route from Kuala Lumpur to Kuantan. It also gives its name to the famous Karak Highway, which links it to Kuala Lumpur. Take a 2D1N nature getaway from the city to the beautiful Karak and enjoy the adventure activity.

加叻是马来西亚彭亨州文冬区的一个小镇。它是从吉隆坡到关丹的联邦路线的休憩之所。它还以与吉隆坡连接的著名加叻高速公路(Karak Highway)而命名。从城市到美丽的加叻享受两天一夜放松心灵的大自然之旅,来一场与大自然的冒险活动。

Camping in the Woods

2天1夜 务边莱佛士雨林之旅

Gopeng is a tranquil town in Kampar district, framed by majestic limestone cliffs, rivers, and caves, it is easily the go-to destination for anyone to jump, swim, hike, and raft into an adventure! Its ancient rainforests is also home to the indigenous Semai tribe, as well as a myriad of flora and fauna including the Rafflesia, the largest flower in the world, and the rare Rajah Brooke Butterfly. While nature certainly has a strong hold on the image of Gopeng, the little town has its share of cultural attractions. Once a significant tin mining area, Gopeng attracted a strong Chinese settlement whose culture is still etched in the historical pre-war buildings that dot the town.

务边是金宝地区的一个宁静小镇,被雄伟的石灰岩峭壁,河流和洞穴包围着,是任何人跳,游泳,远足和漂流探险的理想目的地! 其古老的热带雨林也是塞迈族土著部落的家园,还有无数动植物,包括世界第一大花,莱佛士花和稀有的翠葉紅頸鳳蝶。 自然界固然保留了务边的形象,但这个小镇却拥有许多文化景点。 曾经是重要的锡矿开采区,务边吸引了许多华人聚居在此,其文化仍然被刻在镇上的战前历史建筑中。

Camping in the Woods

4天3夜 沙巴山打根


Sandakan is a city in the Malaysian state of Sabah, on the northeast coast of Borneo. The hilltop Puu Jih Shih Temple offers panoramic views of the city. Agnes Keith House is a wooden bungalow that re-creates the city's colonial-era life. The city is also a base for visiting the Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre and the limestone Gomantong Caves, home to swiftlets, bats and kingfishers. Visitors have a chance to get intimate with nature in Sandakan.

山打根是马来西亚沙巴州的一个城市,位于婆罗洲的东北海岸。 山顶上的普济寺享有城市全景。 艾格尼丝·基思故居则是一座木制平房,重塑了这座城市的殖民时代生活。 这座城市也是参观西必洛猩猩康复中心和石灰岩哥曼通洞的基地,那里是金丝燕,蝙蝠和翠鸟的所在地。 游客有机会在山打根与大自然来个亲密的接触。

Camping in the Woods

2天1夜 怡保+凯利古堡+椰壳洞之旅

Kellie's Castle is a castle located in Batu Gajah, Kinta District, Perak, Malaysia. The unfinished, ruined mansion, was built by a Scottish planter named William Kellie-Smith. According to differing accounts, it was either a gift for his wife or a home for his son. Tempurung Cave is a cave in Gopeng, Perak, Malaysia. It is popular among spelunkers, or caving enthusiasts. More than 3 km long, it is one of the longest caves in Peninsula Malaysia.

凯利古堡是位于马来西亚霹雳州近打县的华都牙也的一座城堡。 这座未完工的废墟庄园是由一位名叫威廉·凯利·史密斯的苏格兰种植园主建造的。 根据不同的说法,这要么是送给妻子的礼物,要么是送给儿子的房子。椰壳洞是马来西亚霹雳州务边的一个洞穴。 它深受洞穴探险者或洞穴爱好者的欢迎。 它超过3公里长,是马来西亚半岛最长的洞穴之一。

Camping in the Woods

4天3夜 揭发神秘的


Mount Kinabalu, standing at 4,095.2 metres tall, is the highest mountain on the island of Borneo and the 20th most prominent peak in the world, ocated on the west coast of Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. Visitors can explore the Mountain Garden on their own or join the park’s naturalist on a guided walk along the many nature trails available. The nine walking nature trails in Kinabalu Park HQ will take visitors anything from 20 minutues to two or three hours, per trail depending on which route taken. Thousands of visitors come to Sabah annually to climb Mount Kinabalu and to experience the mystical beauty of its nature.

京那巴鲁山高4,095.2米,是婆罗洲岛上的最高峰,也是世界上最著名的山峰第二十名,位于马来西亚婆罗洲沙巴的西海岸。 访客可以自己探索山间花园,也可以在众多自然步道的引导下与博物学家一起漫步。 京那巴鲁公园总部的9条自然步道将使游客从20分钟到两到三个小时不等,具体取决于所走的路线。 每年都有成千上万的游客来沙巴攀登京那巴鲁山,体验大自然的神秘美景。

Camping in the Woods

4天3夜 挖掘姆鲁山公园

Whether you are looking for a tranquil escape in the rainforest of Borneo, the physical challenge of trekking summits and climbing through expansive cave systems or perhaps somewhere in between, Mulu will tantalize your senses and leave you wanting to discover more. Your adventure should start with the best of their show caves, Deer Cave in the afternoon to catch the iconic/ famous bat exodus and a boat ride to Clearwater Cave in the morning. Mulu also offers more extreme high altitude adventures like climbing Gunung (Mt) Mulu and the iconic Pinnacles.  Come fit, come prepared, NO banks, NO chemist, almost no roads and yes, LIMITED connectivity!

无论您是想在婆罗洲的热带雨林中寻求一个宁静的逃生之地,还是徒步穿越山顶并穿越广阔的洞穴或可能介于两者之间的某个挑战,姆鲁都会吸引您的感官,并让您想发现更多。 您的冒险之旅应该从最好的山洞开始,下午是鹿洞,以赶上标志性/著名的蝙蝠出埃及记,并在早上乘船游览清水洞。 姆鲁还提供许多极端的高空探险活动,例如攀登姆鲁山和标志性的尖峰石林。 身体健康,准备充分,没有银行,没有化学家,几乎没有道路,是的,连通性有限!

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